Monday, January 12, 2009

From the Heart

I saw this beautiful card over at called just because
If you haven't seen her blog you really should, she does such beautiful work
now I know this doesn't compare to her beautiful card but I tried LOL

this is a 5x7 card so I could fit larger panels
things I used:
Stamps: Flourish (thanks sis) for my xmas gift
Colored pencils & gamsol
DP: Bo Bunny
Nesties: Labels
dotted ribbon from M
Skittles green
thanks so much for stopping by


Norine said...

sorry just checking someone emailed me and told me they could not leave a comment. I had changed the way it post comments and guess it didnt work so just checking it now

Sandy from Ukiah said...

Now it works... love the color you choose. It's very soft. It turned out gorgeous.

Enfys said...

This is beautiful Norine, those three panels work really well with the stamps, I especially like the way you have staggered them, every other panel card I have seen, the panels all line up in a row. I like this idea much better
Enfys x

Laura (scrapnextras) said...

Great case and a beautiful card!

Keri Lee Sereika said...

Oh wow this is soooo pretty! I love how delicate the flowers are!

Yvonne Hagane said...

Norine, what a beautiful card! Wonderful, warm colours and great layout. Also love the two under, what a great colour-combo!
Have a wonderful evening.
Hugs, Yvonne.

~JulieH~ said...

Oh this is beautiful Norine. Pop over to my blog I've left a little something there for you


Courtney said...

Yes, it does compare! It is beautiful!!!

~JulieH~ said...

Hi Norine
It's me again. right click on the award on my blog and put it onto your blog and you can then pass it forward to any of your blogs you love. Norine i gave you this award as you are a wonderful lady doing wonderful work with your cards for soldiers and I so admire what you do and you still find time to visit all of us and brighten our day with your lovely comments and of course you create such gorgeous cards too!


~JulieH~ said...

Hey Norine
You're never a bother I just saw your message i was trying to remember your mb name to pm you. Don't worry I'm new to linking blogs by just name too but this is how you do it. When you say see norines blog HERE right click and highlight the HERE then at the top of your new post you have some little icons hover across its about the third one in and when you hover over it says link click on this and a box comes up asking for url address and in the box it say http:// click on and put rest of blog address you are referring to then ok and this will enable the reader just to click on the name and it goes straight to their blog. I'm not wonderful at giving instructions lol so if there's any of this that doesn't make sense email me on
Hope this helps



Anonymous said...

Hey sis love the card it is very pretty, the colors are really nice...

Rachel said...

This is such a BEAUTIFUL card!

Holly Young said...

oh I think this card is lovely! I am going to CASE you now! Congratulations on your award too!

Janine said...

Congrats on this award and the card is just lovely!!!

Broni said...

Aw, come on now! Your card is every bit as pretty as Tammy's is!! I love the colors and your delicate ribbon!!

Jennifer Meyer said...

Hi Norine :) Beautiful case and design! LOVE the soft colors and gorgeous layout.

Hugs & Smiles, Jennifer :)

Joan Ervin said...

This turned out beautifully, Norine...I love the flowers on the panels and what gorgeous colors!!!

Maya said...

Beautiful card!
Love the colours :)
Hugs from Maya.

Shirley said...

Norine, this is absolutely gorgeous! I love the ribbon and the Dew Drops too!

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful!! I love the colors and layout.

Candy said...

Beautiful, love the colors & ribbon!!